Sunday, December 7, 2008


1 John 2:3-6
"We know that we have come to know Him if we obey His commands."
Obedience is so hard sometimes. This verse gives me the confirmation and confidence I need when God is telling me to do something that is hard for me. When I obey Him, I am getting closer to Him.

My husband and I know God is leading us to start following Biblical feasts and holidays, and doing away with pagan holidays (Christmas, Easter, Halloween). This Hanukkah will be our first one. Although it is not a Levitical feast, it is still important for both Jews and Christians alike. It's hard, because nobody that lives around us celebrates these feasts. (Talk about being set apart!!) But knowing that I'm obeying God, and that He's pleased by my obedience, makes it so exciting! The more research and study I do on the feasts, the more excited I get. Although our families don't really understand, and some of them don't even want to try! I have a feeling God is going to really reveal Himself to my family. Now that's worth celebrating!

1 comment:

Beth Herring said...

You, my daughter are a remarkable young woman and make a mother proud. Wonderful thoughts on our obedience to Christ that should cause us all to rethink where our priorities lie. Keep up the good work!