Monday, December 8, 2008

Our Spiritual Act of Worship

Romans 12:1
" offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God -- this is your spiritual act of worship."

I've never really thought of this as being my act of worship, but now that I've read this verse, it makes so much sense. We can't truly worship our God until we have given Him our entire body as a sacrifice. Jesus offered His body as a sacrifice for all of us. Now it's our turn to give Him ours.

Romans 12:2
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

This verse always come to my mind when I feel "out of place" in this world, and it reminds me that I SHOULD feel out of place! This world is not my home, and it should never feel like home. I have to remind myself that I have to be 'set apart'. This is my new life motto, my new life goal. My desire is to be set apart. I want to be set apart so others can see that I'm different, and want what I have. (Jesus Christ!) We should renew our minds daily, taking captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 10:5). How? By studying His irresistable Word, by praying and talking to God, by being constantly aware of every distraction, every temptation, and every stronghold, and by allowing God to take control of our mind.

On a different note, please pray for me and my husband. We are going through some trials right now, they may seen trivial compared to others, but the engine in his Toyota blew up this morning, my Tahoe is in the shop needing a new computer, and our little Taurus won't always start and we have to air up tires before we go anywhere in it! We need vehicle healing!

1 comment:

Beth Herring said...

You and I were on the same wavelength! I was thinking about this yesterday. This is just confirmation of God's Word on this subject. You are amazing. Must have a good mom!