Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cute Things

Eli never ceases to make me laugh. Mikaela and Eli both have an astounding memory.

We went to the zoo a few weeks ago, and if you'll remember, they were amazed at the birds that could talk, say "hello". They kept saying hello over and over in the bird's voice for several days.

Today Eli and I were going over his abc's, and I said, time for animal sounds. He loves to be silly. I said, tell me what a bird says. Eli squaked "hello" in the bird's voice, so seriously, and looked at me like, wasn't that good? I burst out laughing and hugged him. He was so happy, but wasn't sure why I was laughing. Then he said, tell me what a lion says. I said, "Roar!" and he grabbed me, pulled me down and started fake laughing. I couldn't stop laughing, he couldn't stop laughing, it was one of those times you just want to bottle up and save. He has the cutest little grin.

Mikaela is selling cookie dough for school. I had been teaching her how to sell, what to say, that kind of thing. Sunday night, Cole, my brother in law, came over. She ran and got her cookie dough sheet and said, "Cole, I want you to look at this and tell me how many you're going to buy." He laughed, but he bought two buckets!! She didn't say, tell me if you want any, she said tell me how many you want. Didn't give him much room to turn her down. Not that anyone would, she's just so beautiful.

Today it is so pretty outside. I took Mercie and Eli outside, and let Mercie walk around the yard. She just got to where she can walk well enough. There are tons of leaves on the ground, and every step she took would *crunch*. Every time she took one step, she'd hear it crunch, and look down at her feet, like what is that noise? She did it about ten times, then finally forgot about it. She had a blast. Then Eli rode her on his Power Wheels four wheeler. She loved it! She was waving and smiling. After about 3 minutes, Eli said, "That's very good, Mercie. Now get off." And pretty much, shoved her off, as nicely as he could! *sigh* Boys.

Well they are both still asleep. I did some laundy and mopped around their eating area, but I guess I need to go take as much advantage of the quiet and I'm sure I can find plenty to clean around here!

P.S. to Mom-- I'm starting the Esther study as soon as Ashlie brings me the book. I'm so excited.

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